Friday 11 October 2013

Configure FTP server in Linux

How to install FTP

The daemon is included in most versions of Linux. If you are using a Debian based distribution like Mint or Ubuntu, open a terminal window and type: sudo apt-get install vsftpd

If you are using a Red Hat based disto, open a terminal window and type: sudo yum install vsftp

How to configure FTP
To configure vsftp, open the vsftpd.conf file in the /etc directory. For instance, if you were using gedit as your text editor, you would type: sudo gedit /etc/vsftpd.conf

First, for a secure setup, you’ll want to disable anonymous access to your ftp server. Change this line: anonymous_enable=YES to anonymous_enable=NO

With anonymous access disabled, you’ll want to allow local users to log in, by uncommenting the following line: #local_enable=YES to local_enable=YES (simply remove the # sign).

Allow write access by uncommenting this line: #write_enable=YES to write_enable=YES

Save and close the file.

Setup an FTP user account:

sudo mkdir -p /home/ftp/ftpuser
sudo useradd ftpuser -d /home/ftp/ftpuser -s /bin/false
sudo passwd ftpuser

Restart your ftp server:
Debian: sudo etc/init.d/vsftpd restart
Red Hat: sudo service vsftpd restart


netstat -a | grep ftp

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