Wednesday 9 October 2013

Adding a Map Drive through GPO

Open the Group Policy Management Console by searching for it from the Start Menu

You’ll want to drill down into your domain until you reach the Machines object, where you can right-click and choose to Create a GPO.

We have to give our new policy a name, we will name ours Mapped Drives (General).

Now we can right click on the policy and choose edit.
The policy that controls mapped drives is located at

User Configuration\Preferences\Drive Maps

We need to select the policy and right click in the white space and select new mapped drive.
Change the action to create, and type a location for your shared folder.
Now set the label, this is the name that will appear on the drive in my computer. You will also need to choose a drive letter, it is a best practice to choose a static letter across the board, the last thing you need to do is change the radio button at the bottom to Show this drive.
Now when the users logon the drives will be effortlessly mapped.

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