Tuesday 10 September 2013

Updating VMware Tools fails with the error: Update Tools failed. Edit the virtual machine’s vmx file

Updating VMware Tools fails with the error: Update Tools failed. Edit the virtual machine’s vmx file


  • You are unable to update VMware Tools
  • Updating VMware Tools fails
  • You see the error:
    Update Tools failed. Edit the virtual machine's vmx file, add the line below and try again. Please read KB article 1714 on tips for editing a vmx file.
    isolation.tools.guestInitiatedUpgrade.disable = "FALSE"


This issue only occurs when using the update VMTools button from within the guest operating system.


To resolve this issue, add the necessary setting to the virtual machine configuration file.
  • Go to Edit settings from VM
  • Go to Options
  • Go to General (picture 1)
  • Go to button Configuration Parameters (picture 1)
  • Go down to last rule and klik Add row (picture 2)
  • Put isolation.tools.guestInitiatedUpgrade.disable  in the Name field (picture 3)
  • Put FALSE in the Value field (picture 3)
  • Click OK and start VM
  • Now you can use the update tools button in the VM without errors
Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3

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