Friday 13 September 2013



Open a New RDP session, 
mstsc /v: /admin
Replace with your server's IP Address.

Server Mail Queue check
You can also run this on intdelivery.internal
sudo tail -f /var/log/mail.log | grep ServerName
It will monitor the last lines of the mail log and check for ServerName so you can see if mail is being delivered or failing

User details checking in AD
C:\Users\ssatchi>net user username /domain

Check machine is physical or virtual
Open command prompt and run the following command
This command will give you the full details of your system , scroll down to see the following information
system Manufacturer line,

If the system is a physical machine then you ll see
system Manufacturer  ASUS,DELL,HP

If the system is a virtual machine then you will see
system Manufacturer : VMware inc.
System Model : VMware virtual Platform.

If the system is a microsoft Hyper-V then you will see
system Manufacturer : Microsoft Corporation.
System Model : Virtual Machine

How many users are logged on/connected to a server?
On the Server

On Remote Server
PSEXEC \\servername NET SESSION | FIND /C "\\"

When did someone last change his password?
H:\>net user saththiyan /domain | find /I "password last set"
Password last set            8/11/2013 5:32:27 PM

Is some one’s account locked ?
H:\>net user saththiyan /domain | find /I "account active"
Account active               Yes

Unlock the account

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Http vs Https