Sunday, 21 August 2016

How to configure Windows Event Log Forwarding

How to configure Windows Event Log Forwarding

In a small and medium level business your budged will not allow you to buy and run a dedicated event reader. Since these days business depend on multiple servers and services its not easy for a system administrator to read all the events separately  on the servers. 

For this kind of situations Microsoft introduced Event Forwarding. Event Forwarding allows administrators to get events from remote computers, also called source computers or forwarding computers and store them on a central server; the collector computer.

Events can be transferred from the forwarding computers to the collector computer in one of two ways:

Collector initiated – Using this method, the collector will contact the source computers (clients) and ask them for any events they might have. The minimum operating system level required on the source computers is Windows XP SP2 with minimum Windows Remote Management 1.1 installed.

Source initiated – By using this method the clients or forwarders transfer events to the collector as required. Systems like Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008/R2 and Windows Server 2012/R2 can be Event Collectors, but this feature is not supported for down-level operating systems. Even tough there are no limitations when a client operating system is used as an Event Collector, a server platform is recommended since will scale much better in high volume scenarios.

Configuring event forwarding collector initiated subscriptions ( Step by Steps ) 
Let’s start by enabling WinRM on the Event Forwarders machines (the clients); and we have two choices here: we either use Group Policy to enable WinRM or we do it manually by issuing the bellow command on a client by client basis:

In my Example i have used WIN2K12MAIL as client.

winrm qc
If your clients are running Windows server 2012 and above, WinRM it’s enabled by default on them, but just to be sure, you can check the configuration using the bellow command line:

winrm get winrm/config
Now that WinRM it’s enabled on all our Event Forwarder computers
Now we have to configure Collector computer rights to read the logs from this computers
We can use the Event Collector computer account itself for authentication, or we can create a user account in Active Directory and use that
I have created an account called eventforwarder and added this to the default Event Log Readers Group.
Creating new user eventforwarder 
Adding eventforwarder to default Event Log Readers Group

The next step is to enable and start the event collector service on the collector machine, so i have logged in to WIN2k12DC server and issue the bellow command:
wecutil qc

Continue and if its Success let’s move forward and create a subscription on the collector computer which “tells” this one for what type of event logs to look for and collect from the forwarder computers
GO to Event Viewer and Right click on Subscription, Create new Subscription
Now click the Collector initiated radio button then hit Select Computers to add the source computers/forwarders from which the collector will pull the events
Now we have to select what events we wants to receive, so click on  Select Events button
The last step to make this work is to configure the account used by the collector machine to connect to clients. We already added this account to the local Event Log Readers group on every forwarder, so we should not have access problems.
Click the Specific User button, provide the account and credentials and click OK, then move down to the Event Delivery Optimization section where we have three options:
Normal This option ensures reliable delivery of events and does not attempt to conserve bandwidth.It gets the events every 15 minutes by using a pull delivery mode.
Minimize Bandwidth – This option ensures that the use of network bandwidth for event delivery is strictly controlled.
It uses push delivery mode and it uses a heartbeat interval of 6 hours.
Minimize Latency – This option ensures that events are delivered with minimal delay. It is an appropriate choice if you are collecting alerts or critical events. It uses push delivery mode every of 30 seconds.
I have done this way but it didn't work, Access Denied , So i have changed the User access to 
Administrator and it worked ..
Didn't work 
The one worked 
Now i can see the Forwarder is been added 
After ~10 minutes or less, depending on how you configured the Event Delivery Optimization options, logs should start coming in
That is all. Its working ...

Friday, 19 August 2016

Install Exchange server 2013 with AD 2012 R2

In this Tutorial i ll explain how to install Exchange server 2013 Step by Step with Active Directory Domain Controller 2012R2 server.

My Lab is in NAT mode on VMware Workstation.

  1. Exchange Server Hostname : WIN2k12MAIL 
  2. ADDC : WIN2K12DC
IP Address are follows 


Make sure to have the latest updates on both the servers 

Install and configure AD on the WIN2K12DC and Join the Mail server as a member. Once its joined it will ask to restart the server , Restart it. Once its boot up you need to login to mail server as DOMAIN Administrator ( Domain name \ Administrator,) in my case i ll use student\Administrator. My domain name is 

Make sure the Firewall is properly configured for testing I have disabled the firewall. 

On the DC we have to create the following under DNS. 

Go to DNS manager and add the following records. 

Create a CNAME to point the WIN2K12MAIL as MAIL
create a MX record to point WIN2K12MAIL. 

Once its done go back to your mail server and do a ping to DOMAIN name like Ping, this should response with the DC's IP address then go back to the Exchange ( mail server) and do a NSLOOKUP to, this should reply your mail server's IP address. If not check your DNS configurations.

Once all of this done. we will move to mail server to install the exchange server 2013. 

Exchange server 2013 needs few prerequisites to be installed before it starts. 


  1)Download and install Microsoft Unified Communications Managed API 4.0, Core Runtime 64-bit in Mail Server 

  2)Download and install Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Pack 64 bit in Mail Server

 3)Download and install Microsoft Office 2010 Filter Pack SP1 64 bit in Mail Server.

 4)Install .NET Framework 3.5 in Mail Server. In most cases, this feature is installed by default if not install using power shell

You must mount the Windows server 2012R2 image to run this command 
Install-WindowsFeature NET-Framework-Core -Source D:\sources\sxs

 5)  Run the following command in Windows Power Shell to install other required components.

Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-ADDS-Tools, AS-HTTP-Activation, Desktop-Experience, NET-Framework-45-Features, RPC-over-HTTP-proxy, RSAT-Clustering, RSAT-Clustering-CmdInterface, RSAT-Clustering-Mgmt, RSAT-Clustering-PowerShell, Web-Mgmt-Console, WAS-Process-Model, Web-Asp-Net45, Web-Basic-Auth, Web-Client-Auth, Web-Digest-Auth, Web-Dir-Browsing, Web-Dyn-Compression, Web-Http-Errors, Web-Http-Logging, Web-Http-Redirect, Web-Http-Tracing, Web-ISAPI-Ext, Web-ISAPI-Filter, Web-Lgcy-Mgmt-Console, Web-Metabase, Web-Mgmt-Console, Web-Mgmt-Service, Web-Net-Ext45, Web-Request-Monitor, Web-Server, Web-Stat-Compression, Web-Static-Content, Web-Windows-Auth, Web-WMI, Windows-Identity-Foundation

6) Prepare the schema by using the following command 
Mount the Exchange 2013 and type the command
PS C:\Users\administrator.STUDENT> D:
PS D:\> .\Setup.EXE /PS /IAcceptExchangeServerLicenseTerms
Step By Step guide : 

1) Domain Controller's IP configuration

2) Exchange Server IP Configuration 

3) Join the Exchange to Domain

4) Login , Click Other Users 

5)Login as Domain Admin 

6) Install Dependencies

7) Install windows Features as mentioned Above

8) Restart the server 

9) Install .net 3.5 ( I am using power shell commends ) , Mount the Windows server 2012R2

10) Run the power shell command 


11) Once its done install Exchange server 2012 using setup.exe file. 

12) Double Click on the DVD Drive.

13) Continue the installation upto this point 

14) Make sure to tick all the options, Click next and wait till the next screen comes

15) Give any name relevant to your Organization , Doesn't need to be your domain name

16) Make sure to enable Malware scanning and Click next. 

17)  Installation has started and it may take up to 45 min to finish the installation. 

18)  Once the installation is finished, will open the ECP and add few email accounts to test the email server. 

 You can create Receive connectors in the Transport service on Mailbox servers, the Front End Transport service on      Mailbox servers, and on Edge Transport servers. By default, the Receive connectors that are required for inbound mail flow are created automatically when you install an Exchange 2016 Mailbox server, and when you subscribe an Edge Transport server to your Exchange organization.
Until you create a Send connector, mail can't flow from your Exchange to the Internet.
The first thing is that the Exchange Management Console is gone, however we still have Exchange Toolbox  and that GUI has some of the tools that we have been using for ages such as Remote Connectivity Analyzer and Queue Viewer. 

It will load the ECP on internet Explorer or on your default Browser

Click continue   as it is warning for Certificate. On the next blog i ll explain how to create self signed certificate and avoid this Warring 

Now that i can see my ECP is loaded, will go create new mail accounts. 

19) Now we will create some email accounts, we can create email accounts in two ways , We can create new user account on the AD under users and add them on exchange as existing users. Or else we can create new user on exchange and that will create the use account under the AD users. 

Creating existing user 

So i have created two mail account. will test the account by sending mails 

To send and receive mails i will use the Outlook Web Access (OWA) in this case, Later on i ll show how we can do it on a mail client. 
to go to OWA , you can use the following URL. if you try on your exchange then use https://localhost/owa 
if  you use another machine then type your FQDN or use your CNAME , 
Eg ; or  (mail is a CNAME for win2k12mail.)

Login to OWA and send mail. here we go bingo its  working 

That is all, my mail server is working well... Will configure this on Thunderbird and see how does it work..

Download and install Thunderbird from the website and configure

Add the account 

Once the account is added we can see the mail that we send from Sathi to Sara will be there in the inbox.

So Thunderbird found the account and the mail server. Click Done, it will ask to confirm the certificate, Click confirm. 

Add the second account also... Now all is done.....

see the next post to configure self-signed Digital certificate....



Friday, 21 August 2015

how to hide folder name from url (using .htaccess)

Subscribe to " FACEITNET " Youtube channel for more interesting videos 

How to hide folder name from url (using .htaccess)

This will assume you have as where the content you want to load is.
And the resulting URL to only show but still load the content in in the /cabinet folder

First of all login to your hosting server using FTP and find the .htaccess under public_html

Click Edit and add the following lines, save and refresh the page, now go back to your website URL and try now....

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/(cabinet)
RewriteRule (.*) /cabinet/$1

Cool , Say Thanks if works for you....

Saturday, 13 September 2014

Mini PC - Intel® NUC Kit DN2820FYKH Wireless installation.

Mini PC - Intel® NUC Kit DN2820FYKH Wireless installation.

I suggest you download this to your desktop: Right-click it and select 'Extract Here.' Now open a terminal and do:
cd Desktop/backports-3.11-rc3-1/
make defconfig-iwlwifi
sudo make install
Now download the required firmware here: open a terminal and do:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/iwlwifi-7260-7.ucode /lib/firmware/  <--or -r="" code="" downloaded="" f="" is="" it="" iwldvm="" iwlwifi="" loaded="" modprobe="" not="" ok="" please="" proceed="" sudo="" wherever="" you="">
Your wireless should now be working

Monday, 30 June 2014

Access an additional Disk from C Drive

Getting a new drive is always exiting, but having 6 or 7 drives show up in My Computer isnt always ideal. Using this trick you can make your drives appear as folders on a another drive. Logically it will look like its one drive but any files in that folder will physically be on another drive

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Windows server core command prompt

In this post i wanted to share some few commands which i have used in the recent past time, i hope this will be helpful to those who has core windows OS.

To configure the IP address , first we need to check the interfaces (NIC)
use the following command to see the attached interfaces

netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces 

Now we can see the interfaces
lets see how we are going to configure IP address to local area connection 2

netsh interface ipv4 set address name="local area connection2"  source=static address= mask= gateway=

look still we haven't configured the DNS details, so we will see how we can configure DNS

netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name="local area conncetion2" address= index=1 

I am sure you can understand we are configuring DNS on local area connection 2 interface but what is that INDEX=1??

Since we all know that there is always we have primary and secondary DNS so the index 1 says us that we are configuring this IP address as primary DNS. 

now after we configured the IP address details we are going to add this server to domain, so before add the server to domain we have to check the hostname and change the hostname to a meaning full name. 

So we will see how to do this. 
to check the hostname simply type "hostname" and hit enter it will display the configured hostname, So its all fine now we need to change the hostname. Here we go 

netdom renamecomputer  /newname: /userd:Administrator /passwordd:  /reboot:1

this will ask to enter the password of the Administrator user and immediately reboot the server (reboot=1) 

now we have changed the hostname and going to add this server to domain,
netdom join / /userd:Administrator /passwordd: /reboot:5

this will add the host to domain and reboot the server in 5 seconds.

So now we have configured the IP address, changed the hostname and added the server to Domain , now what else we have to do more? Yes we need the user account to access the server, Lets configure that also.

net user User1 /add
this will ask you to enter the password for the newly created user called user1, now we will add this user to administrator group 

net localgroup administrators /add user1

That is all we have done it. The same configuration we can do easily if we use the following command 
>sconfig  this will prompt you with all the options , simply we have to select the option number and enter the relevant details. 

Http vs Https