Tuesday 17 December 2013

Installing additional wordpress stack on a wordpress bitnami instance.

In this  post i am going to show the step by step installation of additional wordpress stack on a bitnami wordpress instance on AWS.

I hope this will help a lot to understand. Alright here we go.

First of all need to download the latest wordpress installation file in this post i am going to use the downloaded linux installation file.
file name: bitnami-wordpress-3.7.1-0-module-linux-x64-installer.run

I uploaded the file to /var/tmp via winSCP.

now lets see the installation steps.

Step 1:
go to /var/tmp

cd /var/tmp

sudo ./bitnami-wordpress-3.6.1-0-module-linux-x64-installer.run --wordpress_instance_name mywordpress

(mywordpress is the site name, later we need to do vhost to access this directly as a domain, until that i ll be accessing the new wordpress site as www.domain.com/mywordpress)

Step 2 :
step 3: 
Step 4:
Step 5: 

Step 6: 

Step 7:

All good , go to the URL and access the site. 

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