Wednesday 29 May 2019

Setup Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2012 R2

Setup Remote Desktop Services in Windows Server 2012 R2

RDS allows you to remove the repetitiveness of configuring and managing multiple PCs in multiple location.  In one way you can think of a RDS solution for your business as a multi-user “PC”. This means, you will be able to access your desktop from home or any branch office or on the go because you can access securely through Internet.

Let see how to install and setup RDS server in Win 2012R2

Installing RDS Roles

RDS have three core roles. we can installs and run on a single server or separate each role onto its own server.
For small environment we can run RDS all-in-one setup, this would save you hardware resources. 
If your environment is large you will have to run the roles in spread servers. 

To start open Server Manager then click Manager -> Add Roles and Features

1 Remote Desktop Service - Add Role and Feature

On the next screen you will need to select 

Change the selection to Remote Desktop Services Installation then click Next

Click Quick Start setup you can add additional servers to each role to allow expansion

Change selection to Session-based desktop deployment and click Next

Connection Broker, Web Access and Session Host roles will be installed on the single server. Click Next

Restart the destination server automatically if required

Once finished click Close. Remote Desktop Services is now installed!

Http vs Https