Saturday 13 September 2014

Mini PC - Intel® NUC Kit DN2820FYKH Wireless installation.

Mini PC - Intel® NUC Kit DN2820FYKH Wireless installation.

I suggest you download this to your desktop: Right-click it and select 'Extract Here.' Now open a terminal and do:
cd Desktop/backports-3.11-rc3-1/
make defconfig-iwlwifi
sudo make install
Now download the required firmware here: open a terminal and do:
sudo cp ~/Desktop/iwlwifi-7260-7.ucode /lib/firmware/  <--or -r="" code="" downloaded="" f="" is="" it="" iwldvm="" iwlwifi="" loaded="" modprobe="" not="" ok="" please="" proceed="" sudo="" wherever="" you="">
Your wireless should now be working

Http vs Https